Monday, February 8, 2010


1.Sets apes, chimpanzees, orangutans, monkeys, and humans from other animals are because other animals do not climb trees and eat bananas for nothing. No other animals eat bananas except for 5 animals on the list.

2. I had a dog named Galo. One day I had observed his behavior while watching tv. He was a very good dog. He sat around all day laying on the floor and he tried to get on the couch so I told him to get down and he just stared at me like I was crazy. So I pushed him off the couch because he was'nt suppose to be on the couch and the next day he gobig t back on the couch and I said down and he got down off the couch.
3. Today at camp leakley I played with a orangutan named AJ. He could play board games. He was not so good at Monoply he kept throwing the money in the air and started to catch it. He was good at Trouble he beat once I beat him once. We tried basketball he hit me in the had with the ball and I told him to shout it in the hoop and when he was a pro at that we played 1 0n 1 and then I won 17 to 21. Thhat was my day with my friend the orangutan AJ.
4. I think Birute Gildakas is a women who cares for orangutans. She helps orangutans and trains them so that they know how to live in the forest.
5. I remeber when there was a coyote in Central Park. It was there for like 3 weeks until it was found. I heard that the coyote ate a little dog walking in the park the only reason it was found out was because you could see dog bones and the dogs fur on the ground. That is why people should keep the zoo doors closed in the dangered animals section.

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