Sunday, January 17, 2010


The story I read was " The Day the Fifth Grade Disappeared''. One foreshadowing example is when Julia Rose said she was going to when the Grand Prize and then she really did at the end of the story. Another sign of foreshadowing is when Julia Rose, Jeff, and Lori said that they were going to go into that gray building one day to see what was in there even if they get suspended and at the end of the story all three of them where in side of the gray building but Julia was the only one to explore it.

In my story there was no sign of symbolism.

A sign of a similie is when Jeff tries to make jokes. One joke was '' do you know why baseballplayers like to go to the park? the girls said give up then he said they enjoy the swings. Jeff tried another joke when Julia told them that they disappeared when they did not have anymore clues he said '' yeah, we'll plan to make the mystery disappear, while someone out there plans to make us disappear."

A sign of a metaphor is when the three of them were still working on the mystery. "Jeff said come on we'l walk down to the corner and see if her car is parked somewhere".Another is when Julia dissapeared she said " I had been sure that, if I could just disappear once Iwould find some clue but now that it happened I had to admit I did not learn anything.

If my story had a thesis it would have been " I knew I had to get help fast or else there might not be any big or little kids left at Sandhill Elementry School.

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