1. Larry Dunn was the most popular kid in Clark Elementary because he was a lot older than us and twice as strong the rest of us.(p.23)
3. For Kenny, there were advantages to having an older brother whowas a god- he gets teased less about his eye and being smart than he would have.
5. Demonstrating his reading ability to other classes did not make Kenny one of the popular students a Clark.
13. When Byron skipped school, Kenny did not feel safe because kids would still tease him while he sits behind the bus driver.
14.The bus driver did not wait for the students, he would just laugh and tell all the kids to laugh too.
17. The two new kids were not well-dressed they were dressed in ragedy jeans and jacket with holes in them.
18. The kids were looking at him and Larry Dunn started teasing him about his accent.
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